So its 31 August, 2011. All the people in USA will be reeling under the pain and disturbance caused by Her Hurricaness Irene who unleashed herself on the east coast of US moving from North Carolina to New Jersey and New York. The Caribbean also suffered widespread damage which by some estimates could be as high as $ 3.1 billion. And between all this mess, deaths, houses being destroyed Michele Bachmann a Presidential nominee for 2012 elections and thought by many to be the frontrunner Republic candidate couldn't keep her out shut. She said that the Hurricane was, well lets hear it in her exact words- "
Hurricane Irene is God's way of telling that Washington is spending too much". Really? I mean this is what the standard of a Presidential candidate has become?
Somehow the tagline here fits - Dumb Blonde |
Well you can't really expect anything apart from stupid comments from Bachmann. She is belongs the Republican party and also to the Tea Party faction. Many worldwide would have heard of Tea Party from the debt deal the US passed early this month. They oppose any form of taxation and argue for less government spending. They quite weirdly say that Global Warming is a hoax. Most of them belong to the Republican party and at times even embarrass their own party. John McCain the Republican candidate in 2008 elections blasted the Tea partyers for resisting efforts of John Boehner the current Speaker of the House to reach common ground with the Democrats on raising the debt ceiling. Bachmann very unfortunately seems to be leading the polls and a lot of the media houses believe that she may have enough support to win over Mitt Romney the current frontrunner for being the Republican candidate. I say this is unfortunate simply because she reminds me of the nightmare many had over the possibility of Palin becoming the President. Remember the way she portrayed herself as the Hockey mom and also showed her smartness b saying Africa was a country, dinosaurs existed 4000 years ago and of course how North Korea was an "indispensible American ally"? Well honesty Bachmann doesn't even come close to the standards Palin set in her campaign on how dumb can someone be. But her beliefs have the potential o turn America from Superpower to not even being a power. She said that she'll reduce even further taxes and also cut government spending if she comes to power. Tell me honestly how can a country grow if it reduces its spending and also its coffers are empty courtesy its tax cuts? Bachmann doesn't seem to get this at all.
A legend and an influential man- the World
A stupid overrated man whose work is false- Tea Party |
Every person has in some way or the other heard of the Great Depression. It occurred in the 1930's and culminated in the onset of the WWII. The depression led to an economist going by the name John Maynard Keynes publish his monumental work on macroeconomics. Today he is considered to be one of the most influential persons of our time. His theories were put into effect by Roosevelt's New Deal which drastically changed the economic situation. In fact the recent recession of the late 2000's led to a resurgence in Keynesian school. Despite his work being time tested and considered to be a masterpiece the Tea Party as usual thinks of his work as being obscure and a complete false. It says that Keynes was wrong in his assessment.
Its possible what you see in this image according to Palin |
It'll be a nightmare if a person belonging to this movement gets elected as the President. Then we can expect economic chaos to be unleashed all across the world. But being an Indian and Asian in general I have to say that if this does happen India stands to benefit from this immensely as China will suffer economically because of the debt bonds of US it owns. India will then accelerate and may play the role what China played during the recession- leading the global economy.
P.S -Here's a link to all the major dumb gaffes of Bachmann-
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