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Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Illiteracy of Educated Experts

“What is insanity? It is doing the same thing again, and again”

This is something that I came across in a videogame but has stuck in my head since then. It is very applicable to the world we live in; for we commit the same mistakes again and again and again, even though it is because of them that we live in a state of misery. Take the Western world, specifically America’s behavior in regards to its policies in the Middle East. It “liberated” Afghanistan from the clutches of the “godless” Soviets. It spread “democracy” in Iraq and declared “War on Terror”.

False, False and again False. It did no such thing and under these politically correct, idealistic BS laden garbs it has ruined millions of families, led to the murder and torture of hundreds of thousands of people..

In 2003, the US went to war in Iraq claiming that it was going to liberate people and also how people would welcome the troops with open arms. Its 10 years since that ghastly mistake and take a look at how wonderful and rosy things are in Iraq. Half a million dead and instead of a democracy one tyrant is replaced by another one.

Instead of learning from this experience finally (don’t know how another half a million deaths in Vietnam didn’t convince the “think tanks” that there might be something wrong with such interventions), moronic neocons and the ever-so-stupid Fox News wanted to go to war with Iran. They tried their level best to scare people by telling how Iran threatens the stability of the region and also how it endangers our dear friend Israel. Nevermind that Israel’s own Mossad and the IDF had said that war with Iran would be counterproductive. Nevermind the sure deaths of millions of people, both in Iran and Israel.

But their plans were derailed when the party they belong to lost and thus the whole “raging” issue took a backseat. But the illiterate literates are never at rest. Couple of days after Israel had said that Syrian regime is using chemical weapons against the protesters, Chuck Hagel announced the same thing. And McCain is asking that US intervene in Syria. Ah, such hypocrisy..

US, UK, France and the rest of the Western world had shut up, zipped their mouths after Iraq had used chemical weapons against Iran in the Iraq Iran War. No mention of it when some newspapers reported it, when some reporters out of humanity said a few words about it. No resolutions passed in the UN, no “red line” warning issued, no mentions of human rights and certainly, no mention of  In that case, certainly it was acceptable, after all the targets were the Iranians who had just committed blasphemy in the eyes of US by removing a US controlled tyrant.

These things make me physically sick. And sad, very very sad. For this is nothing less than a rape of an entire culture, an entire religion that the West, especially the dicks in Washington and 10, Downing Street commit. They talk about human rights in a way that makes you think that they must be the men of morals and ideals. But take a look inside their hollow hearts, it is filled with nothing apary from hypocrisy. And the worst part about this is, just like how all those in Bush administration left after completing their terms and starting two wars in two countries, they get to move on, live life like they wish to, want to. But what about that blind mother running a bakery in Baghdad who lost all her family? What about those poor farmers in the mountains of Hindu Kush that have lost hope of earning more than a meal? And the worse part, what about the whole country? What about their motivations, dreams, hopes, rituals, beliefs and cultures? They’re gone, gone out like a light from a candle in a storm. And for what reason? Just so that pretty girl in gets her Barbie doll? It better not be, for it will be a travesty and a grim reminder of our brutishness.   

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Case Against Free Will

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Savage Beauty of Afghanistan

the majestic beauty of this place/
seems to lie in this ruggedness and nakedness and bareness it possesses/
looks as though the earth lays her body fully open/
no grasslands to cover her rugged brown skin deep with scars drawn through its sheer war with rivers flowing on its belly/
beauty which is obscenely naked/
something which is ironical for the civilised definition of beauty is associated with tenderness and calm/
the aerial visions of these lands offer nothing but boldness and brazenness/
not one single hint of any greenery is present/
single view is required of these lands to understand that nothing/
not even the most sophisticated armies of mankind can tame these lands/
this is where the Earth shows her true fury/
true uncivilised beauty, one which the civilised lot can't tame/
for it is here that savagery of beauty runs amok.